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introduction to robotics mechanics and control


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Modern Robotics: Mechanics, Planning and Control - [Livre en VO]
Modern Robotics: Mechanics, Planning and Control - [Livre en VO]

63,51 €

68,00 €

Fnac FR

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Modern Robotics: Mechanics, Planning and Control - [Livre en VO]
Modern Robotics: Mechanics, Planning and Control - [Livre en VO]

98,42 €

Fnac FR

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Introduction to Robotics,  Addison-Wesley Series in Electrical and Computer Engineering. Control Engineering
Introduction to Robotics, Addison-Wesley Series in Electrical and Computer Engineering. Control Engineering

28,89 €

Fnac FR

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Introduction to Dynamics and Control
Introduction to Dynamics and Control

307,81 €

310,42 €

Fnac FR

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An Introduction To Thermodynamics And Statistical Mechanics
An Introduction To Thermodynamics And Statistical Mechanics

113,19 €

Fnac FR

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Introduction to Tensor Calculus and Continuum Mechanics
Introduction to Tensor Calculus and Continuum Mechanics

50,04 €

50,86 €

Fnac FR

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An Introduction To Thermodynamics And Statistical Mechanics
An Introduction To Thermodynamics And Statistical Mechanics

113,19 €

Fnac FR

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An Introduction to Thermodynamics And Statistical Mechanics
An Introduction to Thermodynamics And Statistical Mechanics

115,01 €

Fnac FR

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An Introduction To Thermodynamics And Statistical Mechanics
An Introduction To Thermodynamics And Statistical Mechanics

94,57 €

Fnac FR

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Introduction to Reliability and Quality Control
Introduction to Reliability and Quality Control

37,79 €

Fnac FR

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Introduction to Reliability and Quality Control
Introduction to Reliability and Quality Control

37,79 €

Fnac FR

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Introduction to Mechanics and Symmetry, Texts in Applied Mathematics
Introduction to Mechanics and Symmetry, Texts in Applied Mathematics

122,04 €

Fnac FR

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Introduction to Modern Statistical Quality Control and Management

37,99 €

Fnac FR

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Introduction to Modern Statistical Quality Control and Management

37,99 €

Fnac FR

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An Easy Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Mechanics

38,99 €

Fnac FR

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Introduction to Modeling and Analytical Methods in Tribology, Modern Mechanics and Mathematics

272,25 €

Fnac FR

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Introduction to Quantum Mechanics: Schrodinger Equation and Path Integral - [Livre en VO]

207,63 €

Fnac FR

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An Introduction to Accounting for Decision Making and Control

58,99 €

Fnac FR

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introduction to dynamic analysis and automatic control . p.o.a. l. davies



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A Brief Introduction to Classical, Statistical, and Quantum Mechanics, COURANT LECTURE NOTES

69,01 €

Fnac FR

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Introduction to Geodesy, Wiley Series in Surveying and Boundary Control

128,84 €

Fnac FR

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Introduction to Dynamics and Control in Mechanical Engineering Systems by Cho W. S. To

140,83 €

Fnac FR

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Introduction to Solid Mechanics and Finite Element Analysis Using Mathematica by Samer Adeeb

236,01 €

Fnac FR

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